Tax Advisor Services – Double Taxation and Double Tax Relief (DTR)

Tax Advisor Services – Double Taxation and Double Tax Relief (DTR)

Before speaking to us, many new international clients and non-doms are initially simply unaware of the substantial tax savings available from our Double Tax Relief advisors.

Often, when optimising a client’s DTR, we’ll also obtain additional tax savings.

Double Taxation Advice

We have in-depth experience managing double tax relief (DTR) and international taxes for overseas clients and ex-pats. We’ll help you optimise your DTR by optimising the countries where your taxes are paid.

It’s a specialist area – DTR is international law and takes priority over local laws.

Examples of Our Double Taxation Advice

  • Recently an Indian national approached us for assistance with their tax returns. We identified that HMRC had incorrectly adjusted their tax code, and we were able to leverage our experience to deal with this.
  • A French national relocated to the UK and sought our advice to file his first tax return. On reviewing his affairs, we advised him to restructure his UK tax affairs, and he received an annual tax refund of around £30,000.
  • A client emigrated to the Middle East and received a UK income tax demand of over £700,000. We successfully argued with HMRC that this arose from non-UK taxable income – and he obtained a refund.

Contact us for double taxation advice and double tax relief.