Charity VAT Advisor Service (Includes NFP and Disability VAT)

3 accountants London

Charity VAT Advisor Service (Includes NFP and Disability VAT)

Charity VAT Advice – How We Help

We have many clients in the charity and not-for-profit (NFP) sectors. Several raise money via commercial activities, which can be subject to VAT.

However, there are exemptions and reliefs available and we:

  • Advise on the most appropriate VAT regime.
  • Undertake specialist charity audits.

Our team has a wide variety of charity and NFP experience. Some of our staff have experience of running charities.

This means we understand the issues facing charities – and advise appropriately.


  • We restructured an NFP and saved £250k of corporation tax each year. This increased their benefit and enabled them to grow.
  • We structured a residential construction project involving disability works to obtain a VAT refund of over £20k.

Next Step

Contact for help with your Charity, Not-for-Profit, and Disability VAT