J Stuart Thomson MA CA FCT ATT MCSI

Chartered Accountant Ealing Stuart ThomsonChartered Accountant Ealing Stuart Thomson

Group Managing Director


  • Chartered Accountant (Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland).
  • Associate Chartered Accountant (Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales).
  • FCT – Fellow of the Association of Corporate Treasurers.
  • ATT – Association of Tax Technicians.
  • MCSI – Member of the Chartered Institute of Securities and Investments
  • Qualified Probate advisor.


  • Stuart has the commercial experience and the technical understanding to add value at all stages in a transaction, including:
    • Conception, e.g. strategic options analysis, target identification, and business efficiency reviews.
    • Implementation, e.g. transactional assistance, modelling, investor relations, fundraising road shows.
    • Post transaction activity, e.g. new system implementation, integration plans, reporting and management improvements.
  • He has an experienced eye for business improvement opportunities through:
    • Tax planning.
    • Fundraising.
    • Strategic input.
    • Business management.
  • He provides formal and informal advice to help clients achieve their goals, however ambitious.


  •  After graduating from the University of Edinburgh, he qualified as a Chartered Accountant with a “Big 4” firm and moved into corporate finance, specialising in infrastructure and property projects. In 2003 Stuart was headhunted to run the newly formed private equity arm of the William Pears Group.
  • Stuart joined Johnsons in 2015 to bring his expertise in business growth, management and turnaround to smaller businesses.
  • He has experience as an investor and as a CFO of businesses. He has worked in media, property and infrastructure, education and private equity. Stuart prides himself in thinking out of the box and solving clients’ problems.
  • In 2008 he became the group CFO of Met Film, a private equity-funded media and education group based in Ealing Studios, where he restructured the business, tripling revenues and improving profitability. In 2013 Stuart left to start his own consultancy before joining Johnsons in 2015.
  • He has been involved in many high-profile transactions, including :
    • Advising on the restructuring of Railtrack into Network Rail.
    • The first refinancing of a PFI hospital.
    • The debt restructuring of Croydon Tramlink.
    • The development and financing of the largest primary care centre in England.
    • The privatisation of NATS.

Sample Achievements

  • Secured an R&D tax credit relief of around £1m, generating an unexpected cash inflow of £200,000. (The previous accountant did not feel this was possible.)
  • Advised on saving stamp duty land tax of £115,000 on a purchase of just over £2m.
  • Restructured a family investment group into one operating entity whilst preserving valuable investment losses.
  • Set up a complex VAT arrangement with customers and suppliers for an online marketplace to avoid the obligations of cross-border VAT reporting.
  • Successfully defended clients against numerous inquiries, including challenges of failure to register for VAT with published turnover over the VAT registration threshold.
  • Secured Capital Allowances on building for a charity equivalent to around 80% of the purchase price – without having to negotiate an increase in the purchase price.
  • Structured and financed the successful incorporation of an investor’s property portfolio to reduce tax liabilities and create funding for further property projects.


  • Stuart is a keen sportsman and plays tennis, golf, and when younger, rugby.
  • He has been Treasurer of Ealing Trailfinders Rugby Club and chair of the Brentham Club – a multi-sports and social country club in West London.
  • Stuart is married with two teenage boys.