Selling – the Key to the Future?

In ancient societies, eliciting the help of others was sometimes a matter of life or death – from the tiny baby forcing the hand of its parents when hungry, to the hunter who needed support in pursuing large game.

Is My Profit the Same as Yours?

Profitability has a direct impact on investment decisions. However different measuring standards mean that not all profit is necessarily equal.

Charities vs Social Enterprises

I’m a big supporter of community activities. Why? Well, like many, I think a community has certain shared values and, harnessed properly, such shared values can create something greater than the sum of its parts.

How gullible are we on investments

It’s easy to follow the crowds and jump on the bandwagon when a new fast-growth disruptor enters the market. However, we should probably

Ethics – To What Extent

The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, launched by the Chancellor in March 2020, was a much-needed lifeline

Competition Means Fair Competition

Protectionism distorts the risk-reward equilibrium. It stifles competition, and encourages mediocrity. So should it be permitted either in political life or in sport?