Patent Box

Members of staff with coffee cups

Patent Box

Patent Box attracts innovators to the UK by reducing corporation tax rate from patents to about 10%.

We advise clients on how to:

Patent Box Case Study: Pharma Engineering

The Patent Box problem

Pharma, a successful Oxford based, engineering company has developed several products it sells worldwide. But they also needed to continue to invest in its products – whilst rewarding the owners for their efforts.

How we helped

We advised on:

  • Remuneration structures to optimise the combined effects of R&D tax credits and Patent Box.
  • The potential impact of changing rules.
  • Protecting and maximising future claims so they continued to minimise their taxes.

The result

  • Pharma didn’t need to pay tax.
  • The increased cashflow was used to re-invest in growing the company.
  • Pharma’s value grew, and the owners were able to extract money from the company.

Contact us to discuss implementing Patent Box for your company.