Income Tax

3 accountants London

Income Tax

In order to reduce your income tax we take a holistic approach to understand your financial affairs and aspirations – e.g. whether to claim a relief in one year or another – as it can affect your tax rate and mortgage affordability.

We help with areas such as:

We can also help with complex taxation issues such as:

1) Personal Tax Advice for Non-Residents

The UK tax net affects non-residents with UK income – often overseas landlords. We’re able to manage the complexities of double taxation, disregarded income and the availability of allowances.

2) Personal Tax Advice on Relocating to the UK

We advise employees and employers relocating to the UK. We often identify significant opportunities to reduce UK taxes.

3) Personal Tax Advice on Leaving the UK

It is important to get professional tax advice as early as possible before leaving the UK – as it can affect your income tax, capital gains tax and inheritance tax.


We secured a significant tax refund of several hundreds of thousands of pounds for a former UK employee of a multi-national company because his employer decided erroneously to tax a post-cessation bonus.

Next Step

Contact us to reduce your income tax. You’ll be pleased you did.